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December 19, 2015

Francisco's Utrecht released as part of Nouvel Ensemble Moderne new album

Francisco's Utrecht for chamber orchestra written for and premiered by the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne has been released as part of the ensemble's Forum 2014 album. The album also includes music by Artur Akshelyan, Dominique Lafortune, Matei Gheorghiu, Matthew Ricketts, Nina C. Young and Itzam Zapata.

To order the CD (20 Canadian Dollars) contact

October 1, 2015

Francisco's TIMESTHREE(4).mus released by Parlour Tapes+

Francisco's TIMESTHREE(4).mus for MIDI Playback has been released by the always innovative, trailblazing label Parlour Tapes+ as part of their 5th album "MINI MIDI Mixtape." Written for three virtual pianos within Finale 2014 (a notation software with playback capabilities) TIMESTHREE(4).mus uses fragile lines that speed up to inhuman speed that even the computer can't handle. The minute-and-a-half piece transforms the technology that Francisco uses to notate his scores into a rushing machine that inevitably crashes as the threshold of the it's computational possibilities is surpassed.

Click here to purchase the album.

June 16, 2015

Francisco's receives Edes Prize for Emerging Artists

"Composer, performer and multimedia artist Francisco Castillo Trigueros, PhD’13, refers to his winning proposal for the 2015 Claire Rosen & Samuel Edes Prize for Emerging Artists as a song cycle that will depict the town of Xilitla in the mountainous Huasteca region of Mexico.

The annual $30,000 prize will allow Castillo Trigueros to pursue his vision, which will in fact be a transmedia take on the form, incorporating electronically processed field recordings, live performance by the Fonema Consort and visuals ranging from the documentary to the fully abstract."

“It’s an immense honor to get a prize like this, and it’s a huge privilege.” Castillo Trigueros reflects. “In order for young artists to be able to tackle ambitious projects that will actually help them grow and help their voice grow, you need to have generous grants, generous prizes. All of a sudden, next year, I can actually dedicate myself to composing one piece,” he continues. “All of a sudden, you have this possibility of turning to what your goal in life is, which is just to write music, or to make art.”

Read Drew Messinger-Michaels' article about the prize here



November 21, 2014

Francisco's Utrecht given Jury's 1st Prize at the NEM Young Composer's Forum in Montreal


Here are the complete results published by the NEM:


Après délibération des membres du jury, John Rea (président du jury), Frans Van Rossum, Allain Gaussin, Carlos Sanchez-Gutierrez et Lorraine Vaillancourt, voici les mentions honorables :

1ère place : Francisco Castillo Trigueros (Mexique) 
2e place ex aequo : Artur Akshelyan (Arménie) et Matthew Ricketts (Canada) 
Aucune 3e place n'a été attribuée

Coup de cœur du public : 
nomination ex aequo : 
Itzam Zapata (Mexique) 
Dominique Lafortune (Canada)

November 4, 2014

Listen to Francisco's interview about his participation in the NEM Forum broadcasted by Radio Canada (in Spanish)

September 9, 2014

Nominated: A video interview with Francisco Castillo Trigueros at the Gaudeamus Music Week in Utrecht.

See the interview here:

May 4, 2014

Francisco selected for the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne's Forum

Francisco has been commissioned by the Nouvelle Ensemble Moderne to compose a new piece during the Forum International des Jeunes Compositeurs.

To see official announcement click here 

October 22, 2013

Francisco nominated for Gaudeamus Prize 

Gaudeamus logo.png

Francisco's piece Sur les debris for Bass Flute and Electronics, which he wrote for Shanna Gutierrez in 2012-13, has been nominated for the prestigious Gaudeamus Prize in The Netherlands. Francisco is one of five composers nominated for the prize. The other nominees are: Anna KorsunBenjamin ScheuerMarina Poleukhina, and Hikari Kiyama.

To see the official announcement click here

To listen to Sur les debris click here

September 3, 2013

The Chromochord featured in Scientific American

The Chromochord

First comes a cacophony of gongs, then flutters of chimes, then a deep melodic whale call—these are the sounds of the first musical instrument powered by biotechnology. The music comes from a black box in the home lab of Josiah Zayner, a biophysicist at the University of Chicago. Inside the box blue lights pulse on vials of proteins, which in turn trigger the sounds. Zayner calls it the chromochord. “Chromo” refers to the colored lights and “chord” refers to the strings of a musical instrument. Essentially, it’s light activated. “Scientists see beauty in a well-crafted experiment,” Zayner says. “The chromochord allows other kinds of people to experience that beauty.
This is just the seed, and we will see how the tree grows, but it could be really strange,” Trigueros says.

September 10, 2013

Francisco's performance with Ensemble Dal Niente praised!

Despite Stockhausen’s forbidding reputation for gnarly 1960s atonality, Kontakte is consistently compelling, a 35-minute sonic roller-coaster.

Granted, some of the crashing sounds and plugged-in burbling suggests either electroacoustic gastrointestinal distress or a terrible accident on the Autobahn.

Yet there was also extraordinary delicacy in the variegated array of hues, sounds and effects. This difficult work was scrupulously prepared and technically immaculate. Percussionist Gregory Beyer, pianist (doubling on percussion) Mabel Kwan and electronicist Francisco Castillo Trigueros delivered a performance of stunning virtuosity, musicality and resourcefulness that was almost as enjoyable to watch as to hear, the three receiving the loudest ovation of the day.
— Lawrence A. Johnson, Chicago Classical Review